
FavoriteSocks OP t1_j6l6ync wrote

Its disingenuous to pretend that Libs of Tik Tok doesn't have an agenda with what they repost or that they don't know the consequences of it. I have no idea what the context of the original post was, but I know the context of the repost. I would venture to say that the majority of parents in the school district are fine with their child having Jacob's New Dress in the library, but that isn't going stop people who had never heard of Howard County before seeing the repost, from weighing in with hateful messages. It is clear that they nothing about Howard County or what the majority of parents value.

I'm a public librarian so I am aware of what the books in question are, as well as the scrutiny and review that the books have gone through by education professionals. I may or may not be okay to have my child reading certain things, but I don't have the right to make that decision for other parents.


FavoriteSocks OP t1_j6l5e6q wrote

I think it's pretty disingenuous to pretend that the the Libs of Tik Tok account with its millions of followers, followers who have been known to send death threats to people that they accuse of "grooming" isn't aware of the consequences of reposting what they do. Especially with their editorial commentary. I have no idea of the context of that original post, but I do know the context of the repost.


FavoriteSocks OP t1_j6l1d79 wrote

I don't go to their page, but I was completely shocked when I saw the comments in response to HCPSS's tweet and it seems that the only reason it is getting all of that attention is because it was reposted by that account (who I'm sure knows nothing about Howard County, it's citizens or it's values).

I don't think that having inclusive books in a library is "out there" and I'm upset that now teachers and librarians in my kid's school system will likely be targets because of that accounts followers, regardless if they show up or not.


FavoriteSocks OP t1_j6kta5h wrote

It's not so much always what they post, it's the fact that they have such a huge following and many of those followers are a bit unhinged. Teachers and librarians have gotten death threats after being seen on that account.

I have a kid in HCPSS and I don't want anyone from outside of the county weighing in on what my kid can or cannot read. This is just going to become a complete shitshow.


FavoriteSocks OP t1_j6krymp wrote

Libs of Tik Tok is an account that posts a lot about LGBTQ issues and things that they seem to be "grooming." They have a huge following and many of the subjects of their posts get harassed and worse by the followers of that account. Teachers and librarians (and others) have been sent death threats for having certain books in their schools and libraries.