
FamousSuccess t1_jc2ry05 wrote

Well. Keep in mind that google effectively sells advertising based on user data, and their services/users depend entirely on content and data of non google entities.

So I’d say if google can build a business on other entities public data, so can you.

Not a perfect parallel but a parallel nonetheless


FamousSuccess t1_jc290co wrote

I was thinking the same. API being closed will now shift a huge proportion of querying to scraping. They'll definitely see an uptick in server loads.

Funny enough it would not shock me to see Twitter scale down their server/hardware to mirror their expected data demands as a result. But I could see this back firing pretty quickly when a couple github projects find their way to mainstream and near-plugin ready twitter scrapers are slamming the site 24/7

Going to be interesting to watch play out


FamousSuccess t1_jc27xaw wrote

Currently the situation does more for what you're describing than what was just proposed.

As-is, researchers are cut off entirely. Only those with the means to do say may access the API now.

Free tiered access of some level would level the playing field MORE than less


FamousSuccess t1_jc27bzt wrote

I'm not sure if the data will be sold, rather than just tools to gather it.

Even still, from what I've seen in the past not much stands in the way of "ownership" of tweets/FB posts/Social media. It tends to fall in the public IP territory