
False_Cauliflower649 t1_jaburyp wrote

For years I had a diet of anti inflammatories, pain killers & stomach meds to fight the stomach ulcers caused by said relief methods. Then I found CBD/THC. That has saved and ruined my life at the same time; currently in Norway under lockdown waiting to be deported for flying in for work with 3.5g of medical CBD/THC….


False_Cauliflower649 t1_jabr23u wrote

That’s the best thing you ever did. I have few regrets in life, but not wearing my insoles growing up is definitely number 1 on the list. My knees have no cartilage, my hips pop, my lower back is a hot mess, all my back actually, pelvis 1” higher on one side and my shoulders are an inch higher on the opposite side…. Oh, and because of that, my spine has been curving…. All because I chose not to wear insoles… oh, for context, I’m only 37….