
FalsePattern6258 t1_ix6dbex wrote

I can't say how much UMass makes in profit, but I would honestly be surprised if it's a lot given it's a safety net hospital that gets a lot of uninsured/medicare/medicaid patients unlike some of the better-to-do hospitals in Boston. I think we're fortunately a state hospital, so we probably get lots of specific funds allocated only to stuff like research buildings, and to help make up for the loss of profit that safety net hospitals face.

I totally agree that it's crazy how many hallway beds there are. Not only are they in the ED, even on the regular floors we're having a few hallway beds. It's insane and the lack of staffing is just plain crazy. Healthcare and it's poor staff deserve so much more funding. We work on a shortage everyday - that is the norm - and we all put our hearts into it. I want to so badly fight for more funding for hospitals, but I don't even know where or how to even start. It's demoralizing though when you hear about how Medicare has cut its pay towards hospitals even further, which is absolutely nuts, especially for safety net hospitals like us who are already stretched way too thin... I wonder if the public knows how many hospitals are on the brink of collapse, because I think we need to band together and fight for some sort of change from our politicians.


FalsePattern6258 t1_iwt1hrs wrote

Agreed. I'm pretty sure this is a nationwide thing. Shortage of PCPs too. Shortage of nurses, physicians, pharmacists, most healthcare professionals. Yet the government decided that Medicare reimbursement for hospitals should be further decreased (it was already low compared to private insurances), meaning hospitals like UMass that get a lot of patients on Medicare and Medicaid get even less funding. As a safety net hospital, it's already difficult to stay afloat financially but I think this huge mess goes all the way up to our government. At its core, our healthcare system is so messed up. We have an aging population and have not figured out how to solve the healthcare worker shortage, and the current healthcare workers are becoming stretched so thin and burned out and patients are dying because of it.