
FalconBurcham t1_iu9u9ea wrote

Yes, I did like the Cleon storyline in the show. I think they could have left Foundation out of it entirely and just developed a new show around that idea.

I’ll probably give Foundation another shot just for that when I run low on shows (which I’ve been saying forever… and Amazon just started showing Peripheral, which I haven’t even started, so… haha)


FalconBurcham t1_iu8coig wrote

I enjoyed the movie, but I don’t know the comics. Sounds like it’s good that I didn’t read the comics first.

This reminds me of Foundation on Apple’s streaming platform. I read Asimov’s books. The so-called adaptation is so poor it’s offensive. I haven’t made it past the 3rd or 4th episode. It shouldn’t even be called Foundation.

I think it’s impossible to leave a prior impression at the door when you watch an adaptation.

Glad the latest Dune went well (admittedly, I still like the 80s version for its strangeness—I think it captures the weirdness of the books. But the latest is truer to the source).


FalconBurcham t1_itfx9h4 wrote

Found my people. Haha Does Fitbit have the ability to turn off alerts? I turned off all heart rate alerts on my Apple Watch. I use the Zones app to track my intentional cardio sessions (it will nudge me if my heart rate is too high while exercising), but that’s it.

I manually checked my heart rate once while at the doctor’s office (I have serious health anxiety), and it was 135. My resting average at the end of the day is normally around 55. 65 if I’ve been busy. 75ish if it’s been stressful. But those big bumps of 135ish stress don’t give me useful info, so I keep alerts off. It all averages out at the end of the day. 🤷‍♀️


FalconBurcham t1_itbfqlo wrote

Here in Florida people who voted twice in The Villages (a Republican strong hold) are being educated while felons who didn’t know they’re the wrong kind of felon and can’t vote are going to jail.

Glad this TX man isn’t going to jail. I never thought I’d see the day where Texas is a more just place to live than Florida.

Third resident of The Villages admits to voting twice in the 2020 election