
ExplainsWhyImSingle t1_j9rch8n wrote

Similar story here. Our plane hit some turbulence on descent which so startled me that I accidentally inhaled when I meant to blow to clear my ears. Suddenly I couldn’t breathe and before I knew what happened I woke up awkwardly slumped into the aisle with my head buzzing and the sounds slowly coming into focus like when you surface after being underwater and the last thing I remembered felt like a dream. The flight attendant told me the person in the seat behind me heard the noises I was making and instinctively reached around and gave me the Heimlich maneuver at which point the gum I’d been chewing shot out of my throat like a cannonball across the cabin. Everyone was so focused on helping me that they lost track of the projectile but they assured me it was not a problem and the cleaning crew would find it when they came through. Apparently not, since that’s what you found stuck to your shoe. Sorry about that. They get an A+ for crisis response though.