
Epyr t1_jef2wab wrote

In some cases yes, in most cases no. The number of people who prefer big cities vastly outweighs the number of people who prefer small cities. That doesn't mean some people don't like small cities, but it does mean small to medium sized cities don't massively benefit from having businesses running from their downtowns


Epyr t1_jebdc9s wrote

That's also not true. The Dutch arose as an independent nation in the 1600s and share a lot of history with the low Germans. Even today groups like the Frisians have arguably more in common with Germans such as the Hanoverians than the Hanoverians have with Bavarians. They were different than other Germans but not significantly moreso than other difference within what we now call the German people.

A quick look at wikipedia also shows they came from all over Germany and parts of the Netherlands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_Dutch


Epyr t1_j23ykl0 wrote

They don't know what they are talking about, though emotions make it understandable as Ukrainians are dying every day.

A lot of Western tech takes a lot of time to train on which limits what can be sent. It's also a tough 'game' to play of equipping Ukraine without giving them equipment that you really don't want to potentially fall into Russian hands. That, and most of these countries still need to maintain stocks in case they are invaded or are drawn into a war.