
Enimea t1_irv5t4z wrote

Reply to comment by WillRayne in The Lone Trick-or-Treater by WillRayne

I hope when you're ready you'll get some therapy and learn to move forward. Maybe reach out and connect with Zacharys parents and learn more about the kid so you have a better picture of him in your mind. I'm just glad that your boy got home safe. I have to admit I was worried about him the whole time.


Enimea t1_irv4zom wrote

Reply to comment by WillRayne in The Lone Trick-or-Treater by WillRayne

Honestly what a brave and valiant young man returning from the grave to defend future children from his fate. I'm glad that you trusted your instincts and went after this man. The kid clearly felt safe enough with you because of your kindness to come to you. I'm glad your son is okay and I hope your experience out this year is better.