
Enchydrogen t1_iz1pi31 wrote

Green hydrogen's production costs should sink within the next few years with a ramp up in production which is currently underway. As soon as that happens we should see more of a positive attitude towards hydrogen. Pink hydrogen (nuclear generated) should really start being looked at more seriously.

Hydrogen is very versatile in its applications but does have the hurdle of costly and inefficient production. Given a few more years I think the production, storage, and transportation will become easier and more competitive.


Enchydrogen t1_iyf3njl wrote

Totally get that point and the only thing I can think of is (and I'm just spitballing here) something far enough away that you may lose power using traditional power lines to transfer to where its needed. What if the deserts are one of the most unused and underappreciated natural resources on the planet? Essentially becoming "oil fields" with how much they could output in solar hydrogen. No other way to get that energy from the Sahara Desert to my house/truck/airplane to transport it via H2 that I can see. Its a fantasy today, yes but I hope those places in the world that are viewed as desolate and useless can be looked at with new eyes. A desert could be a gold mine.


Enchydrogen t1_iyf03a1 wrote

Efficiency only matters in that case when you are extracting the energy to create the hydrogen from the grid and in my scenario that is not the case. Also, I think it worth mentioning that energy transportation plays a part here. We have never really had an energy medium that can be created anywhere where there is excess energy and transported to where it is needed. I totally get the reinforcement of the inefficiency point but I feel as though if it can be produced in mass, somewhere we have excess energy that cant be power lined to the grid, and transported, it should be used just for the shear abundance of it and the advantages of carbon reduction regardless of efficiency of creation. Let alone the benefit of reliance on foreign powers. Just some thoughts, but I appreciate your feedback.


Enchydrogen t1_iyewp7j wrote

Thanks I appreciate the response. The efficiency of creating it does seem to be an issue but can we look past that if the "price is right" and the advantages of using a green energy are apparent? For example, lets say I could drill down deep enough where I had essentially infinite geothermal energy producing hydrogen and then export it from there, would the efficiency issue even come in to play at that point as long as the transportation costs were low enough to sustain business?


Enchydrogen t1_iyerv1c wrote

I'm sure they will test many ways in which to use hydrogen but I have yet to see people seriously advocate for a liquid hydrogen passenger vehicle. It would solve A LOT of problems is those Germans figured out how to store it efficiently in a vehicle that size.


Enchydrogen t1_iyeqro9 wrote

What are your thoughts on a hydrogen fuel container that can be quickly swapped out for a filled one? I think Toyota is working on this. If this was an option, could charged containers no be delivered or carried on the vehicle for longer trips? Just curious what you think about that concept. Thanks!


Enchydrogen t1_iyefuv6 wrote

I don't think anyone is suggesting using liquid hydrogen for cars. The gaseous form would make more sense but there are definitely problems that need to be solved for it to work specifically in small vehicles. Hydrogen has much more credibility in larger applications.


Enchydrogen t1_iyd8bii wrote

I was not saying you can change the physics of hydrogen's density, rather the way in which it is currently stored in gaseous form will improve as technology progresses. I agree that ammonia is a viable green alternative but as I understand it is not the best for combustion and adds to engine complexity and cost. LNG is not a green alternative.


Enchydrogen t1_iyd73e7 wrote

This is very exciting news! I think hydrogen will have a major role to play in the future of airports and aircraft. It's very early to say exactly but I can see massive storage tanks beneath airports that powers everything, from the baggage cars to the airplanes. It would be very exciting to see if the efficiency of almost zero downtime on fueling compared to alternative green energy methods would effect the cost of business.


Enchydrogen t1_iyd4z3u wrote

Hydrogen gas is the obvious choice and the technology is improving everyday which will eventually lead to a more efficient storage method to solve the "transportation" issue. As for the production, yes it take more energy to create than is extracted but leave that issue to the producers, if it is a competitive price and its green, why not. There is a TON of unused power around the world that could be used to produce H2, transportation is the only hurdle and we look to be able to clear it soon.