
EmmyNoetherRing t1_izuw8gr wrote

I think it can make a summary of any text; I’m not sure that’s proof that it’s explicitly using written summaries to track the conversation.

And humans also typically can’t recite the first message in a conversation from memory. That doesn’t mean they have no memory at all, or that their memory takes the form of continually reciting and updating a written summary of the conversation.

I’d be curious to hear OpenAI’s response to OP’s question.


EmmyNoetherRing t1_ist2jei wrote

Thanks! Sounds very related, but from a different angle than the one I've worked with before (which is closer to multi-agent systems, by the wikipedia article's nomenclature). Still discrete underneath though, if I'm reading it correctly? Or I guess looking at real valued parameters for the agents programs/states/locations?


EmmyNoetherRing t1_isswkjx wrote

This seems really neat! Just to make sure I understand correctly, do you have a link to an example of what you’re thinking about when you say “agent based model”? I tend to associate that with classical AI where there’s often a discrete and generally finite set of states and transitions, and the agent model is a policy on which transitions to use in which states.