
Electrical_Taste8633 t1_j039gi7 wrote

You’ve obviously never worked in a hospital or in the medical field.

People call for an ambulance when their toe is stubbed. But, there was one day that always stuck out to me, there was a woman who came in, a nut job who wears a helmet to walk around outside, because she tripped and fell on her arm. It wasn’t broken, it was sprained, scraped and a bit bloody, but no worse than an average afternoon for an elementary school boy. She claimed to be in 10/10 chest pain though, so she was brought back, her only issue was the arm and she wanted to be seen quicker.

Meanwhile, waiting there, was this woman who was like 6 months pregnant and had lupus, going through some major complications, being carried back and forth to the bathroom by her Boyfriend or husband. Occasionally screaming out in pain; And an 18 year old girl, who’d been hit by a car going 35 mph through a red light who had 2 broken legs, and had been knocked out by the impact, Trying her best to bear with the pain

Those two waited for fucking two hours (at least until the end of my shift) because they told the truth, the helmet nut, was out in less than two hours with only a bandage.