
DylanBob1991 t1_jacvmrc wrote

Watchdog hangs around east liberty so much and every time he sees me he gives me the same spiel about who he is and how he's watching out for people. And I always reply as polite as possible like "Yeah man you've introduced yourself to me like 20 times so far." And every time he acts like he remembered me from the beginning, that we're good buds, and asks me for money.

And when I tell him I don't have any to give he no longer wants to be my friend apparently. Maybe I'm naive but I haven't gotten too bad of a vibe off of him considering circumstances.

I'd much rather deal with him than the old guy that used to (maybe still does?) hang out at the Sunoco on Highland begging to wash your windows. Super friendly until you said you didn't have cash and then he'd immediately give you a death glare while muttering as he shuffled back inside. Between him and their higher prices I haven't gone back there in years.

I don't want anyone to suffer and go hungry but my dude when I said I had $20 to last a week I meant it.


DylanBob1991 t1_jacji84 wrote

If you don't get any answers definitely give N Stuff Music in Blawnox a call. Their instrument techs are very well-regarded and I believe they have a specialist for this kind of work too, but if not they'll point you to who could do it for you. Really cool people and genuinely helpful and knowledgeable.


DylanBob1991 t1_iz1dzef wrote

The last leader of the Republicans just said we should throw out the constitution and the year before he stoked a violent insurrection to illegally stay in power. And the vast majority of his party encouraged and protected him.

Let me know which democrat leaders are on that level because I'm unaware of them.