
DryYogurtcloset492 t1_ixcbr6p wrote

We are far from truly privatized healthcare. It’s not expensive because we have privatization but the opposite. The creation of Medicare increased healthcare costs 60% right off the bat when implemented.

Regulations mean it takes on average 10 years and $1b to bring a new drug to market.

All of the backdoor regulations with patents and inflated prices due to insurance issues are also to blame.

The irony of much of peoples criticism with capitalism is that it’s not free market capitalism to begin with. If we look at the vast majority of the issues people have with our current systems, we find that they’re almost exclusively socialized programs.

In a free market system, greed benefits society. If I want to get rich, I have to create something that benefits a lot of people and convince them to voluntarily give me their money in exchange for this benefit.

In a socialized system, I create laws that force them to give me their money whether they like my offering or not.


DryYogurtcloset492 t1_ix7z4ud wrote

Things become “basic utilities” when the government declares it so. This is when they arbitrarily decide it’s more beneficial for them to get involved. Privatization means competition which means higher quality service at lower price.

Government deals like this one will very likely be carried out by private contracting deals (as most “public utility” services are). All they’re doing is blocking out competition for the service by nestling up to government and letting the government rather than its own citizens decide what’s best for them.