
DroDameron t1_j0bu9zj wrote

Yeah I definitely don't fault the wife or the town, it was an unfortunate situation that he died broke. I just think when the family asked for the body back, they should have honored that request. My boss was telling me when he was there in the 90s, the grave was over grown and not well taken care of, but I can't speak for that nowadays.

Stolen probably the wrong word, like you said, legitimately acquired, just under crappy circumstances. The family definitely considers it stolen though.


DroDameron t1_j09jszi wrote

No but it sounds like a good one. He seemed like one helluva guy and love that he stood proud and represented us as an American despite America not really caring much for Native Americans.

Always inspiring to see people like that, like Black Americans in the Civil War and WW1.. instead of blaming their circumstances and using them as an excuse to do nothing, they rise above them and fight for the world they want to see.

And in spite of his actions, they took away his achievements because he made a $25 a week playing baseball.. took 100 years to give him his medals back. It was said many other people did it too, but they used fake names. Thorpe chose to not hide it and was punished.