
Dragmire800 t1_jegwfkl wrote

I watched season one and a bit of season two. I stopped because I found it pretty ridiculous that there was a serial killer about and the solution to stop him serial killing was for the high school football team to remove their shirts, put on masks, and record a video threatening the killer.

I’m very surprised to hear it got even more ridiculous than that


Dragmire800 t1_je9c3eo wrote

Not to mention it’s probably their first chance to let loose after months of intensive training all day every day. Plus their alcohol tolerances are probably pretty low because I doubt they’d have been doing any drinking during their training period.

So yeah, hot, athletic, young, pent up, drunk people. It’s a bangfest


Dragmire800 t1_jdmkdjf wrote

Not humans, humans always gave birth with a placenta. Millions of years ago, a mammal was infected with a virus that ended up resulting in a structure that became the placenta.

We can look at the non-placental mammals around to deduce how our non-placental ancestor would have spawned offspring. The obvious is egg laying, like almost every animal does today besides placental mammals. We see this in monotremes like the platypus. The other option is to do it like marsupials where offspring is born ridiculously underdeveloped, and spends its early life in a pouch drinking it’s mothers’ milk.

Live birth is observed in some non-mammals, like sharks. Those shark species sustain themselves by eating their siblings while still in the mother


Dragmire800 t1_jd2athq wrote

Imo the state should be able to seize things of significant historical value and only pay out for the loss of projected income over losing access to the land during the dig, as well as any restorative costs.


Dragmire800 t1_j6n5hg8 wrote

The outbreak is my favourite part of every pandemic show/movie, especially zombie ones. It’s actually why I’ve been enjoying The Last of Us so much, every episode has had an outbreak flashback.

28 Days Later is the only film I think skipping most of the outbreak made better. The Walking Dead is extra bad because it skipped the outbreak and it copied 28 Days Later’s start exactly