
Dr_Catfish t1_iydsa8e wrote

Paper towel is highly flammable and even more so when soaked in grease.

Kitchen towels are high flammable and even more so when soaked in grease.

Grease is highly flammable and even more so when soaked into fabric.

Your clothes are high flammable and even more so when soaked in grease.

This and many other interesting facts common to 95% of the human race at six.


Dr_Catfish t1_ixepn9y wrote

Hrng, pay hundreds or thousands to eat food off a table.


Hrng, thousands more for a 27 course meal that includes a normal orange, citrus foam in a cast of the chefs mouth and a fish wafer cracker.


Down vote me all you want but your shitty "high quality cuisine" and "fine dining experience" is a waste of time, resources and money.
