
DrHalibutMD t1_j6kbmgg wrote

So was Kevin really in another world where he was the President and/or his identical twin brother? ...and if he told the story to you would you be able to believe him? That's the question to me, more than whether Nora is lying or not.

Her story may be a lie but how can Kevin think that given what he's experienced? Heck everyone in the world has experienced the craziness of the original disappearance how can you discount her story?

Was she lying? Telling the truth? Maybe, either way who am I to judge her experience.


DrHalibutMD t1_j6jxazh wrote

It's not lying if she believes it, and in relation to the episode op is talking about and its direct follow up in season 3 dont we all still wonder if it really happened?

She might say it's the truth and even believe it's the truth but is it really? Is everything that happened in this episode real?


DrHalibutMD t1_iwaehwg wrote

It’s not that people don’t want to do it, it’s just not economically viable. You needs tons of people at certain times but the rest of the year a tiny fraction. What are all those people supposed to do the rest of the year when they are not needed and how much are you going to pay them to drop everything when they are?


DrHalibutMD t1_iv0l437 wrote

You’re absolutely right. The argument being put forward that this information isn’t useful is the same as climate change denial. We can’t do anything because the science hasn’t proven anything yet. Of course we won’t fully know until it does happen and we’re past the point of being able to do anything about it.