
Donnyboy_Soprano t1_ja7mdck wrote

Nirvana made a bundle doing this. Even if it didn’t contain any unreleased material,demos or live versions, fans/collectors would still buy it. Some of them were only released in other countries so may have had something to do with a promotion or tour. There was no iTunes so this was a way for bands to cash in. Not to mention all the money made by record stores selling bootlegs. The music business was far more lucrative in the 90’s.


Donnyboy_Soprano t1_iy5fvky wrote

That’s what I don’t like Reddit for the most part. Everyone conforms to the consensus view on all topics and anyone that has their own opinion gets blasted. Lmao I agree with what you said about them being credited for things they didn’t do. The entire musical movement of the 60’s is credited to them and they were a boy band until the hippie culture was born in height Ashbury. I like some of their songs and honestly think Harrison was really talented but the Beatles contributions are blown out of proportion due to their popularity


Donnyboy_Soprano t1_iy5fdxp wrote

The Beatles are a great band but they’re overrated to me because of boy band songs like I want to hold your hand, She loves you, Yellow Submarine. That stuff is corny. Then by mid to late 60’s they got long hair and are full hippie mode and some how get credit for sparking the movement. Paul McCartney is especially overrated. Dude is the original Justin Timberlake and his solo stuff is pure garbage. Definitely took credit from Harrison and Lennon because he was the “cute” Beetle. I’ll take The Doors, Bob Dylan, The Stones and a list of other bands from that era over the Beetles