
DisMyLik8thAccount OP t1_iuidw8g wrote

Oh sorry, that was a weird typo. I Meant to say, 'I Definitely want to avoid his place' not 'avoid him'. I Don't want to avoid him, I still like him

>Next time you agree to get together, you can say 'so I can come to your place but like, YOu've been to my place, you see what my apartment is like, I like a made bed, with sheets on it...I mean, girls like neat and tidy, you know? (laugh)

Funny thing is I kinda tried this already, before I'd even seen his place. The other night we were chatting online and he said, 'Well if you're coming I better tidy up a bit, I've let the place get kinda messy'. (Or words along those lines) Now I have before encountered men like him who are blind to mess and don't clean up properly, and I wanted to make sure he knew my expectations to avoid this very situation. So I half-jokingly said, 'Yeah you better had, I like a clean space lol' just to drop the hint in case he needed it. Didn't work though evidently. So yeah, at this point I think if I'm gonna say anything I need to be direct, hints don't work