
DisAccount4SRStuff t1_j9hyr2t wrote

The cost of the degree and difficulty of the degree compare to other job prospects makes it suck. I have friends that went into trades, spent less on thier degree, and make more than me. Also people with similar undergraduates make about the same as I do with not nearly as much effort and the classes are not as rigorous, like finance and HR. Undergrad engineering is not the career path it use to be. Plus, you also get little respect, you're easily replaceable and are expected to work really long hours. It's not a good prospect comparatively any more in my opinion since other jobs are easier to do, easier to obtain, and pay the same.


DisAccount4SRStuff t1_j9htf33 wrote

Engineering sucks so much, I hate my job every day. The pay isn't even good unless you try to snipe management (know one engineer that likes people?) or get a masters and then get forced into management anyway because you're over qualified for anything else. Engineering has been a waste of a stem pursuit for me, finance would have been better. On top of that if your if you are not a software engineer you're probably working on some form of physical product or system making WFH less likely and feasible. Fuck even HR would have been a better bet, they often paid at least the same, they barely do anything, and the ladder in that field is super easy to climb. Engineering is all of the work, none of the respect. Fuck I hate Engineering I was told I was supposed to make money .