
Delouest t1_jbzmtq4 wrote

You've really had a string of terrible luck!

My surgeon said I'm not a candidate for diep due to being to small and I have pretty bad asthma and can't be under anesthesia for the length of time they'd need. I think that was his explanation. This was in 2019 and I was more concerned with the cancer and treatment and just kind of accepted what my team was telling me the plan was. At this point I'd honestly be happy to be flat. I was never very attached to my breasts, and I won't be able to get feeling back either way, so it's just kind of moot. At the end of the day though, I'm probably going to avoid extra surgeries so it's probably going to be just whatever they say I need to replace the current implants and just do it at the same time.


Delouest t1_jbzl5fk wrote

Yeah it's neverending. I had the mastectomy at 31 when they found the cancer, and I'm 35 now and we're starting to discuss removing my fallopian tubes now to reduce the ovarian cancer risks and ovaries later since I can't take hrt and my family history has issues related to menopause (very weak bone and heart health on my mom's side). Already had to have a surgery to check for issues with growths from tamoxifen after 2.5 years taking it. I'll probably be doing the tubes this summer. I want to eventually speak with my plastic surgeon about removing my implants and going flat. I've not "warmed up" to them and live in constant discomfort from the implants and just kind of want to be done with that. Anyway, chek2 and brca? Damn that's unlucky. I'm really sorry.


Delouest t1_jbyydlg wrote

Cheers, I've tried to explain to my friends and family that even though I did chemo, mastectomy, and reconstruction (no rads in my case) in 2019-2020, I am still being treated with tamoxifen, and because I am BRCA2+ I have a lot more surgeries ahead. They often congratulate me on being "done" and "beating cancer" but it is a constant, ongoing process that still means I am at the hospital for scans and checkups 6 times a year. All the best to you.