
Deep_Introduction_88 t1_jecwukg wrote

I get it! I worked for a company I absolutely hated working for, I tried to stay for a year but after 2 months it was unbearable. So I quit and now I’m so much happier where I am. You sound like a really good employee though, for wanting to be there for a year and trying to figure things out I don’t have the patient for that so I respect! Can you maybe talk to HR or another manager about what’s going on? If not then I would look for more jobs because it’s so frustrating working for a company who doesn’t listen to you


Deep_Introduction_88 t1_jecpilk wrote

Can you go back to your old company? Or the company your friends are working at? I’m so sorry that’s happening to you, unfortunately that’s how 90% of businesses work and I can’t stand it. I would try to find a new job for sure, especially if it’s making you unhappy and affecting you’re mental health. No paycheck is worth your health & time. Especially if you could be getting paid the same if not more to be dealing with a lot less stress and annoying things