
DaveAndJojo t1_ja97y75 wrote

I use to be one of them. I wanted to pub stomp in the old CODs but didn’t want to admit it. Comp (other games) gave me anxiety so I’d sweat casual playlists.

The issue is that some people don’t want to lose in casual so they fight to win every match. They end up in higher ranked players casual matches because of it.


DaveAndJojo t1_ja96g2c wrote

If your casual matches aren’t relaxing it’s because you’re taking it too seriously.

It’s okay to lose. Don’t sit up in your chair when they’re beating you. Don’t switch to your main or sweat build. Let it happen. Your mmr will drop and you’ll get into easier lobbies.

If you’re “working like crazy” you’re forcing yourself into more difficult matches. You’re playing against higher ranked players who are actually taking it casually.


DaveAndJojo t1_ja93t7o wrote

If you’re in the bottom 10% of players there’s a 90% chance you are going to get your ass handed to you without mmr.

Casual means exactly that. “Casual”.

Play casually. You will get easy lobbies and difficult lobbies. An issue I see is that many players take casual too seriously. When they’re down they switch to their sweat set up or main. They stop going for fun plays and start playing like it’s the MLG world championships because someone else is casually beating them.

Let go. If you lose, good! You get an easier lobby. If you win, good! Someone who is better than you will beat you.

If you fight to win every casual match you’re going to eventually get to the point where it feels like sloppy comp.