
Dasmer t1_iy5jbxj wrote

Yeah my fiancée and I went to a convention (PAX) in Boston right before lockdown, and seeing a place we had walked so casually and had this great time just a few weeks earlier turn into a field hospital was unsettling. Other-worldly is a good description for sure. I think we all have those images that will stick with us from that time.


Dasmer t1_ixet6v0 wrote

Tobacco use via vape products is at an all time high among the youth.

Weed has negative side effects including carcinogenic properties, however very few habitual marijuana users inhale enough to come close to the carcinogenic properties of habitual cigarette smokers.

On top of this, traditional cigarette usage was reduced via education about peer reviewed studies by reputable sources, in a way that was digestible by a large age range.

At present, you cannot legally research the effects of marijuana, especially recreational/street marijuana, without going through specific government run entities that are by and large not trusted by the community as the marijuana has to be grown in government facilities that do not reflect the reality on the ground, so to speak.

In other words, it is counterintuitively better to allow recreational marijuana as it will allow regulation to provide certainty of what is being used and thus provide researchers a way to provide clearer, more trustworthy and transparent data on the effects of marijuana use.

In the meantime, vaping is a major issue with kids and practical steps like banning candy flavors of both tobacco and marijuana vapes would be a great first step.


Dasmer t1_iw32pup wrote

I did not, “limited positive effects” does not translate to “can prevent you from dying hooked up to a breathing tube.” The vaccine is an incredibly powerful tool to preserve human life. Because of that, I am not afraid or worried about COVID, but I will be again if people shirk the vaccine which causes hospitals to clog up and critical care is denied to those that have illnesses without an easy to take vaccine.