
Dank_Birds_ t1_iy80esd wrote

That’s no different than voting democrat over and over again securing the looney left. No ultra conservative Republican could win a seat in CT so I don’t understand your concern. CT is just an auto win for whatever person is on the democratic ticket. These people are typically just connected friends of prior politicians that moved up or out. In a two party system CT would be better off swinging back and forth to ensure neither extreme gets a hold they use for personal gain. Many CT Dems are just trying to get to DC the easy way.


Dank_Birds_ t1_iy7z2nx wrote

Politics is real. The only reason this is an issue in conservative states is because the democrats failed to see through their prior promises. They knew if roe was ever overturned or challenged that it would be great politically so they did nothing. It’s an issue that will get a moderate women to vote democrat. That’s why it was never a legislative priority at the federal level when Obama and Joe could’ve secured it. The vast majority of America is fine with common sense abortion laws. The issue again is liberal democrats that say dumb things that get repeated on Fox News… like allowing elective late stage abortion for no medical purpose.


Dank_Birds_ t1_iy6naiq wrote

People in CT can’t get past local and state republicans in CT being different than some conservative federal house member in Texas. They vote for democrats because orange man bad and election denier wack job in Arizona bad. May help to make both sides work for a vote rather than handing it to whatever connected democrat is in line next.
