
DancingPhantoms t1_j0ls3di wrote

with ease of production comes great opportunities for creativity. i don't think you understand the scope of the potential for creative experiences and productions to come with that. It won't just be mindless entertainment, but probably worthwhile incredible entertainment at very large scales with meaningful activities and relationships that form... the competitive aspects of humans don't just go away they evolve... just like when we got computers for the first time people wanted to learn how to code and become better at it, with a.i comes the opportunity to build large scale projects with ease and comes the opportunity to create incredible experiences. If travel becomes cheap and energy becomes cheap to the point anybody could do it you would have the freedom to travel and experience the world at scales never before seen. A future where you can travel and entertain yourself, while creatively prospering with incredible projects is very much a potential in the advent of a.i systems and cheap energy and transportation. some people might degenerate sure, but the majority will want to seek out some forms of stimulation to keep it worthwhile... it's much better than mindlessly droning on through life via working for someone else to "prove" your worth... it's significantly better than the current modus operandi of existence for the majority of people who'se sole purpose lies in comparing themselves to their mates in the current work culture. You haven't seen the bigger picture yet.