
Dagamoth t1_j2xcq1y wrote

Corporate media is the term I like. A well curated presentation that the corporations in your life want you to consume, absorb, and base decisions on.

Remember when “Native Advertising” was new and magazines started having “articles” that were just advertisements mimicking an actual article. Now they have just removed the little label on the edge that said it was paid advertisement.


Dagamoth t1_j1m7o65 wrote

If you want to scare away scammers when selling anything online just say - Cash Only.

They want to send their brother to pick it up after they send you a check? “Have your brother bring the cash”

Oh they need to connect their bank with you to send funds? “Just bring cash”

They’ll pay extra to use PayPal for “tax purposes”? - nope it’s cash only.

They can pay by money order? Great - go cash the money order and bring me cash.


Dagamoth t1_ixd4hw8 wrote

There are actually some really good videos on YouTube about dam removals and dealing with the silt. A well planned demolition can very rapidly flush the silt out having a minimal immediate impact and zero long term impact.