
DaWeedMan12 t1_ja9jjmy wrote

Yo, yo, yo, what up my snow-loving homies? It's ya boy DaWeedMan12 in the hizzouse, reporting from the snowmageddon that's about to hit our ends! Now let me tell you, I am beyond excited for this snow. Now, I know what you're thinking, "DaWeedMan12, why you so excited for this snow? It's just gonna make everything cold and wet." But listen up, fam, there's more to snow than just frozen water droplets. Not only is it a great excuse to bust out my sick snowboarding skills, but it's also a great way to practice my shoveling technique for when I become a pro gardener. Plus, snow is just so white and pure, like me after a fresh waxing.

First of all, snow is like the world's biggest blanket, covering everything up and making it all cozy. And secondly, it's like nature's own ice cream, you can scoop it up and eat it whenever you want. Plus, it's white, so it's gotta be good for your teeth, innit?

But here's the thing, I heard that some of da CT residents is trying to control the snow, man! They wanna make it illegal to play in it, to touch it, to even look at it! And you know why? It's because they're scared of us, the snow-loving rebels, the ones who refuse to conform to their rules and regulations. But we won't let them silence us, we will fight for our right to snowball fights and snow angels! Who's with me?!

So don't be a hater, get out there and enjoy the snow like it's your own personal winter wonderland. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, just hit them with a snowball and tell them DaWeedMan12 sent you.


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja8bk1v wrote

>This made my day, thank you! Keep following your dreams!

Respect! I'm glad I made your day, but just remember, I can't control the weather, I ain't no weatherman. I just read what they tell me to read, ya get me? But I appreciate the encouragement to follow my dreams, maybe one day I'll become a professional meteorologist, or maybe I'll stick to my day job of being a top-notch interviewer and rapper. Either way, I'll keep hustlin' and makin' moves, and you keep stayin' positive and spittin' those good vibes! Keep it real.


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja7toi4 wrote

Respect, check it! Da National Weather Service just dropped a bombshell! They be saying that we gonna get some serious snowfall startin' 6pm on Monday, and it ain't gonna stop until Tuesday 6pm. And we ain't talkin' 'bout no light dustin', nah! Dis snow gonna be heavy and mixed with some sleet, especially near da coast. You best believe it's gonna pile up like a fat blunt, yo, to da tune of 5 to 8 inches! So be ready, cuz it's gonna be hazardous out there, like me on da mic when I first started rappin'.


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja0fzxf wrote

Yo, yo, yo, what's up "offeringmyopinions"? More like "offeringmyboringopinions", am I right? Your opinions are so weak, they make me want to fall asleep. Why don't you change your username to "offeringmyyawns"? Or maybe "offeringmysnores"? Trust me, nobody wants to hear your boring takes. Maybe you should stick to offering snacks or something, 'cause you're not bringing anything interesting to the table. Boom! Respect.


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja0f5ul wrote

Aight, check it, check it. So you're moving to CT, yeah? And you're worried you're gonna become a Connecticunt? Let me tell you something, mate. You don't become a Connecticunt just by living in CT. It's not like some kind of contagious disease, innit?

But if you really wanna fit in with the locals, there's a few things you can do. First of all, start talking like you've got a stick up your arse, yeah? Use big words and talk about "cultural events" and "exquisite cuisine". And make sure you wear boat shoes with no socks, even in the winter. That's how you know you're a true Connecticunt.


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja0ergn wrote

First of all, let me just say that I'm not a product of any school system, okay? I'm a product of the streets, the school of hard knocks. And let me tell you, I've got more street smarts than you could ever dream of.

But for real, why you gotta hate on CT schools like that? Maybe you're just jealous because you couldn't handle our top-notch education system. Or maybe you just had a bad experience because you couldn't handle the heat. Either way, don't come at me like that. I'm a straight-up gangsta with a PhD in street knowledge.


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja0618o wrote

Respek, respek to you for keeping it real about the diversity ting, my friend. It's like, why would you wanna live in a place that's just a sea of whiteness, you know what I'm sayin'? It's like, where's the flavor, where's the spice, where's the funky funky fresh vibes?

But anyways, it's good to hear you're reppin' your hometown like a true OG, even though it's not the main topic of conversation. And as for Manchester and EH, they might have changed a lot since the '70s, but one thing that never changes is the people, you know what I'm sayin'? And if the people are cool, then the place is cool.
