
D_Alex t1_ixp5zh9 wrote

>the West's efforts to open Iran


>Why does the Kremlin not want Iran to make a trade deal and nuclear deal with the West?


>Here's the real test: If you had to choose between being allied/owned by Russia or allied with the West, which would you choose?

I choose "being allied with Russia". Now - are you going to respect my choice, or send in the CIA to destabilise my country?


D_Alex t1_ixofh9q wrote

>You should read about history all around the event.

You keep telling me what to do, but from your walls of text it is very clear that you don't have much of an idea of historical facts.

>...will not be fully clear. That is the goal of those that misinform...

Sums up your writings.

>You do know there were three coups in Iran in the 1900s? Russia did two and Britain/US did the other. Are those not important to you?

No, not in the context of this conversation.

>Why do you hate Persians and Iran having freedom

Why do you keep saying stupid stuff?

>Do you prefer Eastern style closed authoritarianism to Western style open systems?

Not sure what you actually mean, but it is just stupid to claim that Iran was "Western style open" after the US led coup against a democratically elected Iranian government.


D_Alex t1_ixmd4ix wrote

>You are silly thinking that the US was to blame for remnants of the Great Game. We just wanted to not allow another WW after WWII and Russia was pushing it in Iran.

You are making shit up. Are you Republican?

>To even compare Western liberalized democratic republics with open markets and elections to Eastern authoritarian one party mafia states with closed markets and pressurized people shows how propagandized you truly are.

>Putin rates your cartoon opinion of the CIA and your "doesn't look like anything to me" about the Kremlin past and present a 9/11. Putin rates 9/11 an 11/9.

Is this copypasta from your CIA bullshit handbook?

>you don't understand Kremlin goals or influence in your own country.

Tell me, fool, what do you think is my country?


D_Alex t1_ixltfyb wrote

Dude, wtf are you on about? do you even read your own sources?

>Russia backed the Iranian Revolution in 1979 >Ever since 1979 Iranian Revolution Iran has been a client state of the Kremlin.

And from your Wikipedia link on Iran's foreign relations following the 1979 revolution:

"The Islamic Republic of Iran experienced difficult relations with some Western countries, especially the United States and the Eastern Bloc nations led by the Soviet Union."

Why are you spreading bullshit?


D_Alex t1_ixlggjr wrote

Wow, the pot calling the kettle black.

Here take a look at this: https://media.defense.gov/2017/Dec/29/2001861964/-1/-1/0/T_GRIFFITH_STRATEGIC_ATTACK.PDF


"The United States Air Force has long favored attacking electrical power systems. Electric power has been considered a critical target in every war since World War II, and will likely be nominated in the future. "
