DCL_JD t1_j2mxe8b wrote

Reply to comment by polywha in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

> Sometimes you have to experience something truly understand it.

Isn’t the whole definition of an empath that you don’t have to experience something to understand it?


DCL_JD t1_ivtmkyq wrote

I can try to clarify some of this for you. Although because I guarantee someone is going to try to dispute what I say I’ll preface this by disclosing I am an American attorney.

  1. Republicans want more control over what their children learn in school. Example: One republican parent named Wendell Perez is suing in Florida after his daughter was taught gender counseling without his knowledge. Basically the legal complaint alleges that the school gave his daughter a new name and instructed the students to treat her as a boy and she ended up trying to commit suicide twice as a result.
  2. Democrats favor electoral reform (such as abolishing the electoral college) while Republicans prefer to leave elections the way they’ve been for the last 245 years or so. I don’t pay too much attention to election whiners but as far as I’m aware, Republicans were making noise about the election processes during covid because some of the procedures were changed to accommodate for the disease and, as I’ve mentioned, Republicans prefer to keep the election process untouched and unchanged.