
Cybugger t1_j2u3foy wrote

These systems have better outcomes, overall, though.

The best way to defeat homelessness? Give people housing. It may seem simple, but the impact is massive. Without a house/fixed residence, you can barely function in society. Among other things, you'll find it supremely difficult to... you know... find permanent residence.

Incarceration rates? The EU has lower recividism rates, lower incarceration rates overall, and spends less on average per prisoner. The system works better.

Who cares if they "deserve it", if you're getting better results for similar or lower costs?

Healthcare is the best example of this, whereby overall health outcomes are better in most places in the EU, for a far lower cost per capita. You spend less, to get more. Who cares if someone reaches some arbitrary definition of "deserve it", if the system works better for less cash.

You, the taxpayer, could get more for what you're putting in.


Cybugger t1_itz200d wrote

So you mean the same information that comes out every time people actually look into these content platforms?

They all have sectors filled with gore, pedo stuff, abuse, violence, ...

And every time, the statement is the same:

"We are committed to ensuring none of these kinds of content are hosted on our platform blah blah blah."