
Cu_fola t1_j9oxezo wrote

Reply to comment by CreedAngelus in [i ate] vegetarian ramen by rayesben

I mean I’m not vegan, but I make it a point not to get offended when someone is hardcore about something they see as a life or death ethical violation.

And It is literally life or death.

I’m ok with eating eggs as a concept. But the way we acquire them is unbelievably cruel and wasteful. There’s no way to avoid it in our current system without simply not eating eggs.

Even happy backyard chickens are mostly purchased as babies from the same industrial chicken producers that use these methods. And possibly most people just replace their laying hens by buying more chicks, not by breeding their own hens and dealing with the male chicks humanely.

So every time I eat an egg, I am funding this abhorrent system one way or another. I can’t pretend that I’m not.

my solution has been to cut down my animal-based food by 75%.

I suspect we’ll never get to a point where everyone in the world is vegetarian or vegan. It looks very unlikely to me.

But If everyone who has a choice accepts the gravity of their food choices and chooses to change their diet composition up, we can exert pressure and radically change the structure of our ag system to stop being such a disaster.


Cu_fola t1_j9bhrgi wrote

I think my problem with that is that people who got shooed away only to later become regarded as masters were people who did something less common and got picked on for it

But I do agree that reception is highly subjective and concede that something might feel novel to someone just starting out


Cu_fola t1_j9b2ci9 wrote

I don’t comment “ugh another woman with her tits out” because I don’t like discouraging people

but Unoriginal, heavily aestheticized vaguely erotic art with ostentatious titles doesn’t get privilege over “low effort pornographic sketches”

Comparatively superior technique is, at most, enough to convince me someone cares about technique for a limited style.

Most of the classically designated tasteful female nudity here doesn’t elevate the art above banal “tasteful” titillation or stylistically limited over-aestheticization of the female form.

People are free to post what they want, and the critics are free to call out what they want.


Cu_fola t1_j9avx27 wrote

But the people you’re accusing of Puritanism are the same people who like this post.

You’re the one misreading the room.

They’re not against female nudity, they’re against the skew towards the same boring, overdone nudity that you see in abundance here and most places. A few, fairly overdone female body types in a few fairly overdone poses with little variation in expression or apparent purpose. Only thing that consistently changes are the props and medium.

Granted, it’s a sub with many amateurs and students who probably look up “female nude pose” which is a good way to find mostly 3 modes: langorous, demure and vaguely erotic

Until you start plugging in more specific search terms.

But my point stands. Multiple a day or week and virtually no other types of nudes for long stretches is a significant skew.