
CrackPlug80 t1_j6kiue1 wrote

It's just the same "adventure" in every single movie. Introduce new generic big bad guy, heroes get into cgi fight with big bad guy, heroes win, rinse and repeat. There is zero reason to follow these movies in order.

Meanwhile 90% of the characters are just the same generic quip machine, there is not a single interesting character in the MCU


CrackPlug80 t1_j6kd2js wrote

Not sure why you are being so defensive of this children's movie franchise

I'm sorry but you're just incorrect, the MCU is nothing more than a repetitive cash cow where they crank out the same basic movie over and over again. There is no overall story to it or any larger purpose other than to make money and sell merchandise, hence there is no real continuity.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6k031u wrote

I'm sorry but yes they absolutely are shallow and meaningless. They are assembly line produced movies meant for kids and teenagers. If you like them that's cool, but don't pretend they are something they aren't.

Also you act like there's some grand narrative to the whole thing, when in reality it's just like 30 repetitive movies that are essentially the same thing as the last one. Good super hero vs big bad super villain. CGI battle. That's about the extent of it. Once you've seen one of them, you've seen them all


CrackPlug80 t1_j6jvrgd wrote

Dude give me a break, MCU movies are essentially just cheap trash when it comes to characters and plot. They all follow the same general plot formula, and the characters are mostly just the same unfunny quip machines. The movies don't have any thematic depth to them, they are corny, and overall designed to appeal to kids and teenagers. Don't pretend that these movies are something they are not. They are silly movies about Superheroes fighting bad guys. There's nothing wrong with that if that's what you're into, but don't pretend it's high quality cinema.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6ju54n wrote

It's so weird to hear your criticism given that you are a Marvel / Superhero fan

Like I can understand not liking Avatar 2, but at least it's leagues better than any MCU dogshit. I don't get how you can eat up that comic book junk, but then have this critical mindset for another blockbuster. I mean at least Avatar is a visual aesthetics masterpiece, superhero movies don't even have that going for them..