
CrackBingeIdea t1_jaroaml wrote

Whut do ye want, ya lil' weasel?

I would like to talk to you about our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Do you have 5 minutes for salvation?

Save me? Holy jaysus, who do ye think ye are? I'm the double champ, l'm on top of the world. I don't need yer salvation, I'm already blessed. So, shut your fookin' mouth and get outta here.

I think you do need saving Connor. I think you need the lord more than you realise. Because you've sinned haven't you.

Ha! I sin every day, ya lil' muppet. But I don't need salvation, I need competition. I'm a fighter, l'm not afraid of sin. I use it as fuel to keep me going. So, keep your religion to yourself, and don't waste my time.


CrackBingeIdea t1_j15fk4q wrote


CrackBingeIdea t1_j1471xs wrote

It implies bacteria are responsible though? That - doesn’t sound right? Come to think of it, I’ve never given any serious thought to what it might be. Magic I suppose.
