
CoachAny t1_izau5g1 wrote

I think there is a misunderstanding. I dont believe that art should be a subject of competition. An artist however should compete with their past selves in skill and originality. Art is subjective because beauty is an elusive mirage made of public agreement basically besides of some naturally occuring sensitivity to certain patterns which might elicit positive emotions in the beholder. When I say my art is bad it is only because i dont feel like I was evolving and tbh its due to perfectionalism and my tendency of procrastination. Art is not something to compare because beauty has many hidden sources and we need all kinds of artists to teach us how to find it. After all it is all about an expression of our point of views, as human beings. An ASI obviously is able to make art in ceaseless styles, due to their capacity for pattern recognition and visual/emotional vocabulary. I never said it is wise to compete with machines, however art is not about competition to begin with. Its a different question whether anyone might just create their drama and turning it into a competition, it would be toxic tho. Do I make more sense yet?


CoachAny t1_iuize5q wrote

A hydroponic system is best if is airtight and recycles the humidity. As the extreme weather conditions of climate change results in desertification, in general humanity has to build it's habitats similarly to Mars or Moon bases. This way the water conservation is absolute and the collection of additional water is just for surplus and backup reasons. Not to mention reverse osmosis is a perfectly viable solution around oceans. It's a technology which works.


CoachAny t1_iuinwcj wrote

Vertical farms can take the shape of towers and reach to the sky and they can also be built underground. Animal agriculture is definitely something our civilization should cease to pursue. It consumes too many resources and is barbaric. However, lab grown meat seems like the way to go. As for water, it can be made from thin air: all you need is to either wait for temperature to drop and collect the water before the temperature raises in the morning by letting the dew condensed on a mesh which you can shake it out of or you can cool the air down artificially. We should try to imitate termite castles which are passively cooling themselves. Desalination is also an option. BTW good models are meant to test life sized systems.


CoachAny t1_iuiiaw7 wrote

Aeroponics and vertical farming takes care of the space problem, while rare materials can either be mined by automated machines, recycled from trash, or switched for abundant materials in many cases. If these don't work out, let's just hope that the future's ASI can design a nucleosynthesizer. Lmao. BTW there have been lots of experiments with UBI and it works. Conservatives don't like it because they like to be on a pedestal even if it means to sabotage everyone else. That simple.


CoachAny t1_iuiawe3 wrote

UBI is not the distribution of food. It is the distribution of money. Also whatever is a scarcity can be automatized, synthesized, or omitted with a better alternative. Once everything is fully automatic a lot of jobs turn into hobbies as long as the people's lives aren't in danger. Conservatives want people to be pushed by the fear of starvation, so they can feel powerful, its unnecessary for the civilization, tho, as we can automate everything.


CoachAny t1_iuhtymp wrote

Because unless socialism wins somehow such as with the example of UBI, conservative politics might turn the market more exploitative than necessary. Just because automation frees people from labor the monopolies which own the robots might still demand the same price as a tendency. Neo feudalism is the goal of the enemy or in other words economic desperation. Liveable UBI is the antidote as a safety net.