
CloudofAmethyst OP t1_jcb11cl wrote

I unfortunately think this opportunity may be passing us up as Springfield requires approval for political or event use of any public streets, sidewalks, or land. I haven't seen any events for this particular date anywhere local, but it seems to have stemmed from Washington and out from there, so just didn't make it this way


CloudofAmethyst OP t1_jc8ppzo wrote

Honestly thinking it will be people gathered on a sidewalk in a busy enough area to attract attention, since another redditor pointed out need permits for an actual march. I only just learned about the national mobilization yesterday, so definitely not enough time for a larger scale event


CloudofAmethyst OP t1_jc5bq9p wrote

I think I had holding signs on the sidewalk in mind, as the end of the month is just right around the corner, and didn't consider the rest. I'd definitely like to learn more if you have any resources, as I don't think this is a problem that is going to go away by April.


CloudofAmethyst OP t1_jc53i1c wrote

Unfortunately with the medicade, it's extremely easy to not qualify for many people, such as myself who is also not able to afford personal health insurance. I was unaware they provided it, as the website states they only cover therapy costs, do that is really neat! Hormones definitely aren't the most expensive, but laser, electrolysis, ffs, bottom/top surgery remains expensive and unobtainable for very many. And even where it is obtainable, it is frequently a struggle to get those services covered. I'm not saying everyone has it bad, as I also very easily was able to make

And the bills being passed illegally is for the same reason laws that were illegal according to Roe V. Wade were passed, which is to push it to the Supreme Court and have settled law overturned, thus no longer being illegal.

And as far as awareness and resources, that extends well beyond Missouri, and many states are much less accessible, and other countries as well. If the US could be a better example to lead the world, then other countries would be more likely to emulate their acceptance. In a world where groups are showing up to drag readings masked and armed with rifles, trans people are ridiculed and have a former president trying to platform on the "eradication of and gender care for all ages", and anti-LGBTQ laws are being proposed in the hundreds since the start of the year it becomes less about the individual struggle and much more about standing in solidarity, which is what I'm hoping this can accomplish. All the very positive points you made are on the brink of being eliminated.


CloudofAmethyst OP t1_jc4wf1s wrote

I don't sympathize with suicide, though there are days I feel like it would be easier to just not exist sometimes. I can empathize with the struggle though, and if you ever need to talk to someone or grab coffee just for some like minded company, I'm always happy to help! I hope this March, not in Springfield, but the national level, brings attention and help to those that struggle so badly that death seems preferable than struggling to achieve what could be easily accessible and affordable health care


CloudofAmethyst OP t1_jc4qngo wrote

I'm hoping a peaceful protest means no bullets. Looking at the news lately, these events are definitely attracting a lot of people with guns, and that's scary. A few Proud Boys videos cropping up of them literally doing a sieg heil chant and saluting. It's insanity that the far right is after their own people so heavily that they're stooping to emulating what was fought so hard to stop in WW2.


CloudofAmethyst t1_j6untgn wrote

Our level pay just went up neqrly $7000 a year, you end up paying the same in the end. They credit your account if you pay too much, and they will both raise your rate to pay anything you would have had to pay otherwise in addition to raising it to reflect their new rates. Had this all explained when I called.


CloudofAmethyst t1_j3ca9uj wrote

Driving can be difficult for us currently given the state of vehicles, but could one hundred percent meet at a stand! My family goes through eggs pretty quick, and I personally love duck eggs!

We're bored with a lot of supermarket meats and produce selections, too! I love great lettuces and greens, which supermarkets always have a rather boring selection of.