
Chris19862 t1_ja441t5 wrote

That's why I quit cable....couldnt rationalize the 100+ a month just to watch a few sports games....I would pay 10-15 a month to just stream these events. But it seems companies would rather go bankrupt than offer these options


Chris19862 t1_itgm9rl wrote

Did you agree to all of these caretaking responsibilities? Why do your parents get 104 days a year to themselves and you get 0? Then you're trying to defend them for occasionally taking him with then when you cant watch him bc of work. My lord, it's their child, and so are you. I know I'm coming from an outside perspective but this just screams that your parents care way more for themselves than either one of you......

Itll be tough to meet anyone continuing on your current path, consider talking to your parents to tell then you need time for yourself. Dont give up your 20s and 30s to be a slave for your parents. Additionally, if they can afford two houses they can Fucking pay for adequate care for a brother while you got be a 28 year old woman.

This post for some reason infuriated me....