
ChocolateChouxCream t1_j6ixpxl wrote

The one being obnoxious and unpleasant is you. I hope you take all these comments to heart and actually reconsider your stance. The world doesn't revolve around you nor your CF lifestyle. You probably think people with kids can be overbearing about their choice but you're doing the same thing.


ChocolateChouxCream t1_j2e2sk0 wrote

Jesus Christ dude. Your wife had major surgery. Look after her instead of thinking about fucking another girl. It's only a few months. I can't imagine recovering from surgery and have my husband worry the most about this instead.


ChocolateChouxCream t1_j2dgwme wrote

Personally, I think you're putting too much pressure on him. You mention he does chores, and has a job (since he makes money?) So how are you needing to mother him? Seems like what you're demanding all the time is just expressions of love in the way that you want. To be honest I think it's useless to try to change someone.


ChocolateChouxCream t1_iybp7jl wrote

I don't think you're a prick for thinking the relationship has run its course for you and you want to go separate ways. You'll be a prick if you keep this up for much longer - don't you think she deserves someone who loves and wants to be with her? It's not you anymore.


ChocolateChouxCream t1_iuk8q4p wrote

You've been together for a fairly long time. I would 100% be very upset not to go on a romantic holiday with my partner... I can't imagine what he's gonna do on that trip by himself. TBH I wouldnt want to be with someone who would do this at this stage in the relationship. If I were in his shoes I'd go on, say, a 3 star hotel trip for two rather than a luxurious trip for one.