
Cheezyrock t1_j9ymwgx wrote

Even if you believe that a fetus is a person, this is dumb. The conditions of how a fetus receives food/shelter doesn’t change when the mother is in jail/prison. The fetus has no concept of the detainment, and is therefore not party to that punishment.

If this were to change, then pregnant woman could also be charged with kidnapping for leaving an abusive man… which should definitely not be the case. A fetus simply cannot be a separate legal entity while dependent on a mother’s body.

The danger in this is that it also opens up a new can of worms. If the fetus would be deemed viable and the mother imprisoned, could the state force the woman to induce labor so that the fetus wouldn’t be illegaly detained?

Further (and this is a slippery slope argument, but law sometimes works like this), even doctors have differing opinions on post-natal care when itncomes to breast milk vs formula. If it is a matter of the child’s rights, then one could make the argument that the mother shouldn’t be detained as long as she is breastfeeding for the wellbeing of the child.

Its like some lawyers don’t think through the implications of their arguments before making them.


Cheezyrock t1_j3icbf3 wrote

I’m pretty sure this isn’t accurate for most of the US. It has been upheld in some courts as protected under the 5th amendment. Providing access to your device through any means can be construed as being forced to testify against oneself. In sone circumstances a judge can issue a warrant, but if police do this without consent it is illegal search.

Outside of these extreme circumstances, I primarily like the convenience of fingerprint biometrics when compared to facial recognition.

From a security perspective, my device gives way nore access than ai care for from the lock screen that I can’t disable wothout disabling the features when it is unlocked as well and the average user will lack the skills for this configuration. Device security is in a nightmare state right now.


Cheezyrock t1_j3hs9o5 wrote

Yeah, I hate being monitored and all…but what I really miss is unlocking my phone with my thumb instead of my face. Sometimes I’m just not looking directly at my phone, wearing a mask, or the lighting conditions aren’t right. It also unlocks when I don’t want it too sometimes.