
Charles_Britt t1_jadc7bt wrote

From the US Department of Labor

>Labor unions improve wages and working conditions for all workers, whether they are union members or not. Unions help reduce wage gaps for women workers and workers of color. Union members have better job safety protections and better paid leave than non-union workers, and are more secure exercising their rights in the workplace.

Seems like unions do some cool shit.


Charles_Britt t1_ja3zjdu wrote

I cant help but see art from times past when a social life wasn't something you get if you're insanely lucky, and get super super super depressed and like actually want to kill myself. I thought once I became an adult I'd have this big wide world open full of people to talk to and places to go. Now I'm living on my own in the real world and its nothing but empty sidewalks and tapping your phone to buy cigarettes.


Charles_Britt t1_ja3ymxu wrote

Its so terrible. Im 20 yrs old now but jesus christ there is nowhere. Maybe thats hyperbolic. I go to group rides, parties, etc etc. But the social landscape people my age are facing is sooooooo much more barren than the one our parents were afforded. No wonder we all joke about wanting to kill ourselves. Everywhere we could find community or some kind of spontaneous connection has been churned up into ash and rubel.