
ChallengerShaker2014 t1_j1uqqrd wrote

If someone at one time was invited to stay, which they were, they have their stuff there even, they now have the rights of renters in VT.

Make your place an AirBnB and then when they don't pay their nightly hotel fee, you can have the cops make em leave. Odd how renting vs hotel situations compare.


ChallengerShaker2014 t1_izagwex wrote

For some reason we don't pave our Interstates correctly. in other states they know there is a lot of heavy truck traffic so they account for that. Here somehow we just end up with ruts. It is like poor man's auto pilot sometimes as you can just sit in the rut and it will steer the car for miles.


ChallengerShaker2014 t1_ixou9ar wrote

Don't live in Burlington, I like football and video games. I am not gonna be bothered to stalk your post history cuz I could give a fuck less what your hobbies are.

So 2k, what model? Send a link. Be helpful not a douche. You installed it yourself? I know people in the HVAC world and they are booked out pretty far and are having trouble even getting things like heat pumps. Maybe it is just them. Serious, I would love to see your 2k heat pump that will work in VT winters.


ChallengerShaker2014 t1_ixnz77v wrote

Can't afford 100 gallons of fuel, you want them to buy a heat pump? You must be the type that says if you can't afford $5 a gallon gas, just buy an electric car. Nice fantasy but to most working people, just a pipe dream.