
CelibateCarl t1_j6kh3a8 wrote

Gotta ask, how's UAPP? I've been using PowerAmp PRO for.. 5 years + now and only recently got a 24 bit (so it says heh) dongle for mobile use and a ZEN Dac for home to pair with it. Was shocked to see that it recognized the different DACs when running and offered Hi Res (up to 32 bit) playback. But I'm always looking for some software to try out!


CelibateCarl t1_j5zp23f wrote

You mentioned that you have the stock cable going into a 3.5mm converter? Do you mean you have the 6.3mm end going into a 3.5mm adapter so it will fit into the dongle? Because the stock cable is a 2.5mm to 3.5mm with a 6.3mm jack adapter on the end of it that can be unscrewed.

Regarding the cable itself, you could get a velcro tie and wrap up the excess wire to have it look cleaner and be easier to carry around. It's what I'm currently doing with my pair.


CelibateCarl t1_j5s51rt wrote

TL;DR - heard a part from a fav song while testing the 560s and basically threw my money at him

I did yea. Had my S22 Ultra and a usb c dongle and buddy let me try em there. Played a few of my fav tracks real quick and I was pretty much sold.

I don't know if you've heard, but its a Ave Maria mix/remix with the Vengeance track from the new Batman movie. There's a part towards the end where the orchestra pauses and "bursts" back into life with a lot of energy and its got this..rumbly, satisfying bass behind it along with the instruments. I was shocked to hear the 560s give me that feeling like I was almost there while testing it. I've heard that part a bunch of times on my airpods, car system, my KZs and it didn't feel as good as it did there.
I'd love to hear the DTs off the Zen DAC Air that I got with them today to see if that would change my mind in the future. But for now, I'm super happy.


CelibateCarl t1_j5rbdi3 wrote

Spoiler, I ended up picking up a set of 560s.
I've only tried the DT770 80 and 250s. Unfortunately I didn't have an amp to power the 250s, so it wasn't really at its full potential but I did try the 80s off a higher end PC right and it produced decent sound but I think it would've been better off a DAC. I ended up checking out used stuff locally one more time this morning and found a dude that had day old 560s with the receipts and everything and got a deal on em!