
CelebrationHonest788 t1_j1ps6hw wrote

Conveniently ignoring the other two cases of love jihad and to what extent these people are willing to go to.

Maybe if you read further into that article you will realise around 57 people have come out saying they were forcefully converted to islam. Let's just assume they are all lying.

I was giving an example as people are are boasting about mass conversions it won't be unusual for extremist to try and convert people by any means. I in no way insunuated that there are cases of mass conversions in India yet I found a few cases vy a simple Google search.

Indian government doesn't underreport crimes against women, it is a societal problem. Women are afraid or are forced by the society to think that they are less of human being if they get raped.

Underreporting of rape cases against women is not exclusive to India. Over 80% of the cases go unreported in the US the free world. Yes, two wrongs don't make it right. But is not a problem with democracy but society.


CelebrationHonest788 t1_j1po09g wrote


CelebrationHonest788 t1_j1pliqe wrote

Well there are 100s of speeches by extremists boasting about converting 1000s of Hindus forcefully,

Also even if you think it is a conspiracy theory, still it's not undemocratic since it only affects people who will comitte forceful conversions which is infact wrong and should be punishable


CelebrationHonest788 t1_j1pjpfj wrote

Lol you don't even what that law is. Love jihad laws are for forceful conversions of women which is a real problem. You are still allowed to marry whoever you want under special marriage act.


CelebrationHonest788 t1_j1pimfc wrote

How is crime against women a democracy problem and not a societal problem? I mean the government is clearly working towards increasing security, providing education and overall working towards upliftment of women.


CelebrationHonest788 t1_j1phina wrote