CaptainCAAAVEMAAAAAN t1_j535c9g wrote

> It's literally against the law in Florida to teach anything that makes whites look bad.. or might cause whites discomfort.

Honestly it's worse than that. DeSantis and the GOP are trying to erase history itself, and teach history more interconnected with conservative, christian values (ie. Jesus was a white Republican). It's how they intend to win the culture war - brainwashing.


CaptainCAAAVEMAAAAAN t1_j2d0m0i wrote

> Zhilin was a shift supervisor in the special communications and information department of the FSB in the Siberian Federal District and was responsible for Putin's communications with the regions.

He sounds low level. idk if he was a "bad guy", but one thing is for sure; Russia will torture him to death and then try and get his wife and kids returned so they can be tortured to death.