
CannaVet t1_ja8fk1n wrote

So many businesses busting ass to drain customers and employees at all costs then surprised pikachu when people stop caring. I'm in more rural Virginia and the prices on the delivery apps have just consistently kept creeping up so I finally deleted em.

For $30+ for a $12 meal I can feckin almost just uber there to eat and back.


CannaVet t1_j62dnnf wrote

Have you tried.......... Just fucking doing a thing?

I sound shitty but that's how I've found to make shifts in my habits. I still have bad habits and need more good ones but I'm SO much farther than I used to be. You don't gotta like it, you just gotta do it and hate it. Then, though, next time sucks less. Let the negative emotions surrounding it drive you, push through in spite of them.

I've got a long way to go to be the best version of myself or wtfever, but I've been off nicotine two years, walked everyday for over one, and dropped 60 pounds while wrangling my booze habit into control. Got plenty of other changes to make but I stopped letting the perfect be the enemy of the good - the best lifestyle changes are the small manageable you can actually commit to if you really try, then you have a base to build off of.

Of course, that's all my experience with what works for me, but I believe in you friend.


CannaVet t1_j5yomfq wrote

Seconding the "boo large dog small city apt" argument.

A friend of mine got with some dude and moved em to town including his huge great Dane. He had to be put down but before that the walls were lined with his blood because there's nowhere in the apt he could wag his tail without hitting something. They started tying it down under him with a cloth or something, it broke my damn heart they wouldn't give him up or hold out for a bigger place. Then there's also the overall issue of a great Dane kept in a 1br apt all day.

This dude by my house breeds German Shepards and keeps them outside 24/7/365 unless they're brought in to bone. They go off at anything that moves because they're kept 5-6 in half of a residential city lot with no engagement, training, or enrichment - they're just cattle.

If you have an animal then your animals needs should be just as important a part of decision making, full stop.