You have enough saved for an emergency fund. Your car loan interest rate is pretty low as well. Paying it off early wouldn’t save you much other than piece of mind. I would refer to the sub’s wiki. You’re at the point to start saving for retirement. General rule of thumb is to save 20 to 25% of your gross income for retirement. The way you want to do it is save up to your employer’s match into a 401k, then max out an IRA ($6500/year), then save what you need to back into your 401k to total the 20 to 25%.
Bronco46 t1_j6m1orw wrote
Reply to When to stop saving and start investing/paying off debt? by funghi2
You have enough saved for an emergency fund. Your car loan interest rate is pretty low as well. Paying it off early wouldn’t save you much other than piece of mind. I would refer to the sub’s wiki. You’re at the point to start saving for retirement. General rule of thumb is to save 20 to 25% of your gross income for retirement. The way you want to do it is save up to your employer’s match into a 401k, then max out an IRA ($6500/year), then save what you need to back into your 401k to total the 20 to 25%.