
BrightNooblar t1_jdrbiyv wrote

You know its not really sales or marketing, its just data entry, right? They aren't calling you, you are calling THEM saying you want to buy something. They know whatever their product line is, they will try to suggest some bonus package, and thats about it. Its the same shit as anyone working the register at best buy offering you a warranty on your USB drive.

Outbound call centers are incredibly rare these days.


BrightNooblar t1_jdpunqc wrote

Call center manager here. Under no circumstances do my agents transfer you to a specific person, even if that person is free. You go to the proper transfer queue. That how our call routing works, that how our metrics work.

And most of all, we don't you screwing with Our metrics by incentivizing this approach. The system sees my agent got an 'Upgrade' call. Conversion on people calling to upgrade should be like 90% of them get an upgrade. You just made the agent miss an upgrade, so their best approach is to dump you into queue RIGHT NOW and bank the very fast call for their metrics. Hunting down a real person isn't just against policy, and its not just being extra nice for someone screwing our metrics, its also more time consuming than just yeeting you into the proper line.


BrightNooblar t1_ixix7bc wrote

Speaking as both a middle manager, and someone who got out of a toxic/abusive relationship.




If you don't want to antagonize her by getting a restraining order that fine. But figure out what a restraining order requires, and get everything totally set up. Talk to the cops about it NOW so they have a record, and include that conversation in a contact tracker with her.


She texts you? Summarize in the contact tracker. She threatens you? Summarize and highlight. She calls you? Summarize in the tracker, send a text confirming that summary. Just a "Hey, just wanna make sure I remember that call right. You said I could pick up the yearbook I forgot Saturday around 2, right?" in text where its very plain on re-read.


You're better off spending hours on a tracker you don't need, than years saddled with a problem because you didn't have enough documentation to support yourself from willful/accidental miscommunication, ESPECIALLY with a hostile ex.