
BostonRevolutionary t1_j0vh7zz wrote

Speculation and theory are all fine but they are already nullified by the law. If you really want to understand why these and other laws create exceptions like this, I would start doing research on the subject. And if you wish to change the slow poke laws to coincide with your theories than I would suggest gathering data for review. But as it stands these are the laws they have in place and to save yourself a ticket or worse an accident, I would recommend keeping to the slow lanes.


BostonRevolutionary t1_j0vdeaf wrote

Found it:


"Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in ยง 31-41.1-4."

Driving over the legal limit is permissible not completely legal, it is because a vehicle driving 10 MPH slower than the prevailing speed are six times as likely to be involved in an accident. The law is to encourage slower drivers to move their vehicles over to accommodate faster traffic. While I understand that this may feel frustrating to you, the law is the law. If you are driving in the left most lane and a vehicle moving faster than you catches up, you by law must move your vehicle over and allow them to pass. Forcing them to pass on the right generates an even more unsafe conditions as well as the potential for increased traffic.


BostonRevolutionary t1_j0v9d8n wrote

To clarify the law states that "Any vehicle travelling at less than the normal speed of traffic, shall be driven in the right hand lane." The law doesn't indicate speed because statistics have shown that consistent traffic flow, even traffic at higher speeds is safer than causing drivers to weave in and out of traffic to maintain a constant speed.

I can't find the actual law because the RI website is a shitshow, but her is a news article in regards to the subject where a man was ticketed for driving too slowly in the left lane.


BostonRevolutionary t1_ispbeht wrote

I would look down at the Cape (Cape Cod), there are a few all inclusive resorts out there that may fit the bill. I do suggest you try and rent some form of vehicle and take advantage of the falling leaves while you can. If you could swing it, there's plenty of things not far from you:

Salem is an excellent choice but try to avoid it during halloween if you can.

Fall River has Battleship Cove (The largest collection of naval museum ships in the US) and the Lizzie Borden House. I also suggest you try the Portuguese food while you're there.

Providence is train reachable and has excellent shopping, culture, and food. Make your way to Federal Hill and try out the Italian food if you can.

New Bedford has the whaling museum among other things. There's a ton to do before you get out of state, though it does get easier with your own wheels. It gets cold fast and the sun goes down earlier and earlier each day.