
BoldestKobold t1_jd95gzs wrote

Yeah, because he was Musk's hand-picked "twitter files" guy who was tweeting about the Dem-led federal government or Dem politicians asking Twitter to take down misinformation, while actively avoiding talking about the pre-2020 Trump administration or Republican politicians making similar requests.

Guy was previously just a run of the mill sensationalist and sometimes acceptable journalist. Now he is totally fine using his name to lend credibility to clearly and obviously partisan actions.


BoldestKobold t1_j5phlir wrote

Notice how this "article" quotes no actual attorneys?

This guy has been getting dragged on Twitter by attorneys and paralegals for weeks, and rightly so. Some of the stuff he has bragged about is already malpractice. Like they claim the AI already generated a subpoena for the prosecution's witness. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? Even teenage kids know that you don't want the cop to show up to your traffic court date.

So now that we already know they are using AI to generate malpractice, who is held accountable?

I'm a lawyer. Tons of shit about the practice of law sucks and should be streamlined for better/cheaper/more efficient outcomes. But this ain't it.


BoldestKobold t1_j57ptdh wrote

> When you are bidding on a project, you are incentivized to come in at the lowest price possible. So, you skimp on 'features' and then try to upsell them (at twice the price) once you won the bid.

As a government employee who has had to deal with procurement before, this pisses me off so much. A vendor comes in with a suspiciously lowball bid, but the procurement people (who work for a DIFFERENT STATE AGENCY, but can veto any procurement action done by any other agency) say we have to accept it.

Meanwhile all our subject matter specialists are looking at management like we're idiots. An industry leader will bid, give us a pretty good price discount (since as a state agency we're buying in bulk for most goods and services), but we have to go with some fly by night place that everyone is pretty sure will suck and lead to cost overruns, but because they bid 10% less we are forced to accept it.


BoldestKobold t1_j57p2zj wrote

I'm gonna reply to your comment more to highlight a pet peeve of mine. As a (state) government employee at a management level, I always get a bit miffed when people try to single out government for inefficiency or shortsighted decision making. In my experience, the private sector is as bad or worse, in many respects. Reporters don't report on waste, fraud, straight up incompetence, etc inside private companies nearly as often as they do in government, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

"But boldestkobold," you say, "that's because we all pay taxes and are impacted by that waste and incompetence!" To which I respond, "you think you aren't paying for the waste and incompetence at AT&T in your cell phone bill, or at General Mills in your breakfast foods? Or if BP gets fined for an ecological disaster caused by penny pinching stupidity, they don't just roll that cost down to the customer?

(Sorry for using your comment chain to vent)


BoldestKobold t1_j0vvqng wrote

> "Medical care in particular is spotty at the Bahamian prison, the report said. The former billionaire was transported from one of his several multi-million dollar penthouse homes to the prison last week — though Bankman-Fried was entitled to his own room in the medical wing, Bloomberg reported."

I'm always impressed how many white collar criminals immediately seem to develop medical conditions that demand special treatment the instant they are facing consequences for their actions. Meanwhile poor defendants die on jailhouse floors after being left paralyzed for days.


BoldestKobold t1_itw8bgs wrote

> Once you get a bit of a contest going between workers and teams, instead of being lazy bums, African Americans would get a ton of work done and were one of the best "ethnicities" to have working for you. You just needed to install that pacesetter to get the ball rolling and make it seem like a contest so they'd keep it up.

Strip out the racism and just replace it with "poor, working class", and you're talking about every Amazon warehouse, every retail job, etc.

Turns out people don't like doing shit work. Rather than paying people what they are worth, you "gameify" it.

They came to the conclusion "it must be because of their race" because they were (1) already racist, or (2) racism meant that blacks were overrepresented in the shittiest jobs that people least wanted to do.