
BisonBravey t1_j5tfkeu wrote

I think either label retroactively applied is problematic. She is not here to tell us how she identified. There would have been more than one reason she might have elected to sleep with men but still identified as a lesbian. She might have been bi. She might have felt she was straight, but had some distractions. We can't know without being able to explain how we use these terms contemporarily and hear her thoughts.

But she certainly seemed to have attractions and relationships that were at the very least queer.


BisonBravey t1_iy7aiip wrote

I'm pretty sure some nomadic cultures will designate someone to walk up behind an older person who is draining resources, and end their life in various ways.

Morality is simply different when survival is an everyday concern.

This is also why ancient rulers would sometimes maim captured warriors and send them home. They knew they would be a burden on their societies and would create a moral problem.